Students attending service training classes are eligible for the Taylor Master Certification Program. To prove the student has applied him or herself, servicing training classes will now include testing. Testing will vary depending on the course (Taylor model) instructed. For more information contact: David Lewis or Lynn Boatner
Master Certification Requirements
(Additional classes will be scheduled throughout the year based on requests and/or new releases.)
Volvo Engine & Vodia Diagnostics Virtual Training
Class is from 8 am to 5 pm CST each day.
Max Number of Students: 15
MARCH 9-11
Taylor® T-1023 through T-1045 Wheel Loaders Virtual Training
Class is from 8 am to 12 noon CST each day.
Max Number of Students: 15
MARCH 23-25
Taylor® X-180S through XH-400L Forklifts Virtual Training
Class is from 8 am to 12 noon CST each day.
Max Number of Students: 10
Volvo® Engine & Vodia Diagnostics Virtual Training
Class is from 8 am to 5 pm CST each day.
Max Number of Students: 15
APRIL 13-15
Taylor® X-400S through X-700L Forklifts Virtual Training
Class is from 8 am to 12 noon CST each day.
Max Number of Students: 15
MAY 11-13
Taylor® XLC Series Loaded Container Handlers Virtual Training
Class is from 8 am to 12 noon CST each day.
Max Number of Students: 15
JUNE 8-10
Taylor® X-180S through XH-400L Forklifts Virtual Training
Class is from 8 am to 12 noon CST each day.
Max Number of Students: 15
JUNE 22-24
Taylor® X-400S through X-700L Forklifts Virtual Training
Class is from 8 am to 12 noon CST each day.
Max Number of Students: 15
JULY 20-22
Taylor® XLC Series Loaded Container Handlers**
See “Duration of Training” section for times.
Max Number of Students: 10
AUGUST 17-19
OPEN DATE –Model Instructed To Be Announced**
Models Include: All Models
See “Duration of Training” section for times.
Max Number of Students: 10
Volvo Engine & Vodia Diagnostics**
Due to an increased positivity rate of Covid-19 cases, class will be conducted virtually.
Max Number of Students: 15
Taylor® T-1023 through T-1045 Wheel Loaders**
Max Number of Students: 15
Taylor® Advanced TICS*
See “Duration of Training” section for times.
Max Number of Students: 10
Volvo® Engine & Vodia Diagnostics**
See “Duration of Training” section for times.
Students must complete a series of training modules online prior to attending training. Due to this prerequisite, deadline for enrollment is October 8, 2021.
Max Number of Students: 10
Advanced Hydraulics Training*
See “Duration of Training” section for times.
Max Number of Students: 10
* This class is an advanced trouble-shooting class. A prerequisite of previously attending any service school for any Taylor model with the TICS (Taylor Integrated Control System) is required. Note: This is a hands-on training session. It is requested that students in attendance be prepared to be in a work environment. This includes being dressed in work unifroms, safety shoes, safety glasses and and other safety equipment that they deem necessary for the task at hand.
** Service training class is scheduled to be conducted at Sudden Service, Inc. in Louisville, Mississippi. An evaluation of the positivity rate of COVID cases will be made prior to the class. If at that time and we feel that it is not safe to be a classroom environment, because this is a hands-on class, training will be conducted virtually.
Taylor "Big Red" Service training classes offer a detailed analysis and study of all electrical, hydraulic, and air circuits employed on a particular Taylor model(s) being instructed. The engine, transmission, drive and steer axles are covered, as well as all basic preventive maintenance. The most complex issues (electrical and hydraulic) are fully covered in any class allowing the student to learn or better understand the most difficult systems. In addition to troubleshooting instruction, Volvo engine training includes access to VPPN (Volvo Penta Partner Network) and instruction for navigating the Volvo Vodia Diagnostic Software.
Virtual Training
Virtual training will be conducted via Microsoft Teams. Students are required to have a valid email address and internet connection. While a camera and microphone is not necessary, it is recommended in order for the student to communicate vocally with the instructor and other students. Prior to the class, the student will be sent an email with an invitation for the training and a download link for the virtual service training package. The service training package includes electronic copies of the following for the model being instructed: a set of schematics, an operator’s guide, a safety manual, and a maintenance manual as well as other pertinent training information. Factory Trained Certification is being offered in conjunction with virtual training classes. Students wishing to test may do so online.
Onsite Training
Each student will receive a service training packet that includes information for the particular Taylor model(s) being instructed. Service training packets include the following: a set of schematics; an operator's manual; a safety manual; and a USB Flash Drive containing the maintenance manual as well as other pertinent training information. Factory trained certification is being offered in conjunction with service training classes. While laptops will be provided to students for testing purposes, those wishing to test for the Master Certification Program are required to bring laptops with them to the service training class in order to review the service training information during testing. Electrical outlets are provided.
Duration of Training:
Classes will be conducted for a total of three (3) days beginning promptly on Tuesday at 8 am in the Sudden Service Training Center (located inside the Sudden Service, Inc. building, across the street from the main plant facility), 3637 North Church Avenue, Louisville, Mississippi 39339 and ending on Thursday afternoon. Two and a half (2-1/2) days will be designated for maintenance and troubleshooting instructions and Master Certification testing will be conducted on Thursday afternoon. Students seeking Master Certification must allow a minimum of three (3) hours for testing on Thursday afternoon and will be dismissed after testing is complete. Students not seeking Master Certification will be dismissed at noon on Thursday. Travel arrangements should be made accordingly.
Travel and Hotel Accommodations:
Students are responsible for their travel to and from Louisville, Mississippi as well as travel while visiting. If traveling by plane, we recommend flying into Jackson-Medgar Wiley Evers International Airport, (JAN) in Jackson, Mississippi. Once arriving in Jackson, students will need to rent a vehicle and drive to Louisville (directions from Jackson to Louisville). Rental car facilities are available at the airport. Please visit: http://iflyjackson.com/iflyjackson/passenger-services/ for rental car services.
Please keep in mind that the drive from Jackson to Louisville is approximately an hour and a half (1-1/2) to Louisville when making travel arrangements.
A block of rooms have been set aside at Lake Tiak-O'Khata Resort for a (3) three nights stay beginning with the Monday before each training class. Details and guidelines concerning hotel accommodations will be given at the time of the enrollment. If students do not wish to lodge at Lake Tiak-O'Khata or if lodging is needed for an additional night, students are responsible for making arrangements. For additional information on Lake Tiak-O'Khata Resort, please visit www.ltok.com.
Students are responsible for all hotel fees.
Cost of Training:
The cost of the training is $300 per student ($250 for training plus a $50 deposit fee). The enrollment deposit holds your position in the class and is non refundable after two (2) weeks prior to the beginning of the service training class being conducted. Cost remains the same for virtual training.
Meal Policy:
Breakfast and lunch will be provided for students all three (3) days of the servicing training class. Dinner will be provided on Tuesday night only by Sudden Service, Inc. All other meals are the responsibility of the student.
Meal schedule for all service training classes will be as follows:
- Monday - No meals provided
- Tuesday - Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner only provided by Sudden Service, Inc.
- Wednesday - Breakfast and Lunch will be provided, Dinner will not be provided
- Thursday - Breakfast and Lunch will be provided
Due to the current coronavirus pandemic, onsite service training classes have a maximum of 10 students. NO EXCEPTIONS. Virtual training classes have a maximum number of 15 students. All classes require minimum number of (8) students to be conducted. Any class with less than the minimum required enrollment of eight (8) will be canceled.
Enrollment is handled on a first-come-first-served basis and is subject to availability. Enrollment reservation should be made as soon as possible. Please call or email the service training coordinator for availability. Pending enrollments, a reminder of the service training class and the date of the class will be emailed prior to the class allowing ample time for travel arrangements.
Anyone seeking service training on a particular Taylor model(s) not listed in the 2021 training schedule should contact the service training coordinator. If you are seeking remote service training at your facility, please contact your local Taylor servicing dealer or the service training coordinator for details.
Taylor "Big Red" service training classes are reserved for Taylor servicing dealers or qualified end users of Taylor equipment and are not open to the general public.
Lynn Tatum Boatner / Service Training Coordinator
(662) 773-9139
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For additional information for the Master Certification Program contact:
David Lewis / General Service Manager
(662) 773-9132
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