Master Certification Program

Master Certification Program
Sudden Service, Inc. is now offering students the Taylor Master Certification Program. To prove the
student has applied him or herself, students attending or having attended a service training class for a
Taylor model or series with TICS (Taylor Integrated Control System) since January 2015 are eligible for certification testing.
Tests will vary depending on the specific Taylor model or series.
To achieve Master Certification, students will be required to pass a test for three (3) separate levels of certification: basic instruction for maintenance and troubleshooting for specific Taylor models or series with TICS, a hands on Advanced TICS, and a hands on Advanced Hydraulics. Upon completion of each level, students with passing scores will receive credit for certification as well as certification patches and decals. Guidelines for the Master Certification Program are as follows:
- Students must be employed by a Taylor servicing dealer or be a qualified Taylor end user.
- Students attending a service training class onsite at the factory facility or a offsite remote servicing training class for the current year.
- Prior students having attended a basic service training class for any Taylor model or series with TICS. Since January 2015
- A score of 80% or better must be achieved to pass the certification level.
Overview of Testing
- Tests are based on the current maintenance manual of the specific Taylor model or series.
- With the exception of the hands on advanced classes, testing will be conducted solely online (Onsite factory training and offsite remote).
- Hands on advanced certification testing will be a combination of an online test as well as an evaluation of the students hands on skills (Onsite factory training only).
- Username for certification testing will be the student ID number. A preset password will be assigned to the student ID number (username), however, students have the option of changing the password. Although they will not be allowed to access any online tests, students not wishing to test for certification will be still be assigned a student ID and issued a student ID card.
- Students will not be eligible to test for the advanced certification levels until they have achieved a passing test score for the basic certification test.
Onsite Factory Testing
- Students attending a service training class at the factory facility for the current year are eligible for testing while attending.
- Testing is optional for all students. However, it is recommend that all Taylor dealer servicing personnel test for certification. Students will still be credited hours for service training instruction and will receive a certificate of completion.
- It is requested that students attending an onsite factory service training class and testing for certification bring a laptop with them for testing purposes to review training material during testing. Service training packets contain a USB Flash Drive that includes the current maintenance manual for the specific Taylor model or series being instructed.
- Electrical outlets will be provided by Sudden Service, Inc.
- Students not wishing to test for certification may still bring laptops with them to the service training class to follow along during instruction.
- Onsite Certification Testing:
- Testing will be conducted online the afternoon of the third day of the service training class.
- Students will be provided a laptop for testing purposes and be provided the Internet link to the testing portal.
- Once the students have logged in to the testing portal and test begins, they will have an allotted time to complete the test. Basic service training class testing time is three (3) hours and the written portion of the hands-on advanced service training classes is one (1) hour. Although, all the allotted time may not be needed to complete the test, student MUST allow themselves this time when making travel arrangements.
- "Open Books" will be allowed during testing.
- At the end of the allotted time for testing, all uncompleted tests will be submitted automatically.
- Upon test submission, students will be allowed to review their test score as well as the questions that were answered incorrectly on the test.
- Should a student not achieve a passing test score, they will be allowed one (1) remote offsite online test. If a passing test score is not achieved after completing the remote test, the student will be required to attend a service training class again before retesting will be allowed.
- Due to a portion of the hands on advanced testing being a combination of an online test and an
evaluation of the students hands on skills, the follow exceptions will apply:
- If the student passes the hands on evaluation and does not pass the online portion of the test, they will be allowed one (1) offsite remote online test. Upon completion of the remote test, if the student does not receive a passing test score, the student will be required to attend a hands on advanced service training class again before retesting will be allowed.
- If the student passes the online portion of the test and does not pass the hands on evaluation, no retesting will be allowed. The student must attended a hands on advanced service training class again.
- See items 6 - 10 of the Remote Testing portion of the Master Certification Requirements for arranging an offsite remote online test.
- Upon achieving a passing score, students will receive certification patches and decals (See Certification Levels) as well as a certificate of completion. If time allows it, students will receive certification packages at the time of training, otherwise, they will be shipped post class via UPS to their company address.
- Students not wishing to test or who do not achieve a passing test score, will receive a certificate of completion. Certificates will be presented at the time of training.
- All standard service training fees and costs apply.
Remote Testing:
- Students attending a basic offsite remote service training class for the current year or those that have attended a basic servicing training class for any Taylor model or series with TICS are eligible for offsite remote online testing via the Internet.
- Students must have attended a service training class since January 2015 for the specific Taylor model or series that that are wishing to test for certification. Previous service training attendance will be verified by the training coordinator.
- Due to certification tests being based on the current maintenance manual of specific Taylor models or series, it is recommended that students that have not recently attended a service training class and wishing to remote online test purchase a printed copy of the maintenance manual prior to the test.
- Guidelines for Remote Testing:
- For students attending an offsite remote service training class for the current year:
- Two (2) remote online tests will be allowed. If after the second attempt to achieve a passing test score and the student has not done so, student will be required to attend a service training class again before retesting will be allowed. No testing fees will apply.
- Guidelines for students having attended a basic service training class (onsite factory or offsite remote) for the current previous year are as follows:
- Students will be "grand fathered" and allowed one (1) remote online test. Testing fees will be waived.
- If a passing test score is not achieved, student will be allowed to remote
online test a second time for a nominal testing fee. Testing fees are as
- A $100 testing fee will apply to students wishing to remote test without purchasing a current maintenance manual.
- A $200 testing fee will apply to students wishing to remote test and purchase a printed maintenance manual.
- If after the second attempt to achieve a passing test score and the student has not done so, student will be required to attend a service training class again before retesting will be allowed.
- Guidelines for students having attended a basic servicing training class prior to the current previous year (Since January 2015) are as follows:
- Two (2) offsite remote online tests will be allowed for a nominal testing fee.
Testing fees for each test are as follows:
- A $100 testing fee will apply to students wishing to remote test without purchasing a current maintenance manual.
- A $200 testing fee will apply to students wishing to remote test and purchase a printed maintenance manual.
- If after the second attempt to achieve a passing test score and the student has not done so, student will be required to attend a service training class again before retesting will be allowed.
- Two (2) offsite remote online tests will be allowed for a nominal testing fee.
Testing fees for each test are as follows:
- For students attending an offsite remote service training class for the current year:
- It is recommended that students use Mozilla Firefox Internet browser for online testing. However, Windows Internet Explorer 10 or 11 or Google Chrome can be used.
- For Windows Internet Explorer 11, visit:
- For Mozilla Firefox, visit:
- For Google Chrome, visit
- Students wishing to remote online test must contact either the Sudden Service training
coordinator or general service manager and provide the following information:
- Full contact information including company name, address, phone number, and email address.
- Date of class attendance and the Taylor model instructed.
- Remote online testing must be approved by the students company/supervisor prior to test setup date.
- Once student has been qualified, verified and approved, a student ID and password will be assigned.
- Student will coordinate with Sudden Service for the testing date to be assigned. Student must allow themselves three (3) uninterrupted hours on that date for testing.
- Once the testing date has been set, the student will be provided with their student ID, password, and an Internet link to the testing portal.
- The student may begin the remote online test at any hour on the testing date. However, once testing begins, students will not be allowed to stop and restart the test.
- Testing on the weekend is not allowed and must be completed before 6:30 CST
- At the end of three (3) hours, uncompleted remote online tests will automatically be submitted for scoring.
- Once a passing score has been achieved, students will receive certification patches and decals (See Certification Levels). Certification packages will be shipped to the student via UPS to their company address.
Certification Levels:
Level 1 - Basic service training class.

Upon completion and a passing score, students will receive the following patch and decal for creditable work accomplished.
Levels 2 and 3 - Advanced Levels - TICS & Hydraulics

Classes may be taken in any order desired. A prerequisite of attending a basic service training class of Taylor model with TICS is required. Students who have attended a basic service training class and have not attained a passing certification score will be allowed to attend. However, they will not be eligible for certification testing and are not guaranteed a seat in the advanced service training class. Students who have passed the written test for previous level(s) and are eligible for Level(s) 2/3 certification will take precedence for enrollment. Upon completion and a passing score, students will receive the following corresponding patch and decal for creditable work accomplished.
Master Certification

Upon successfully completing all three (3) levels, students will receive their Master Certification patch and decal. Students will receive the following patches for creditable work accomplished..
Students will initially receive 14 patches and 5 decals at no charge. Additional patches and decals will be available for a minimal charge and within an acceptable time frame.
Achieving Master Certification is a great accomplishment and should not be taken lightly. Be proud to display these as a symbol of creditable work accomplished. They are exclusively for creditable students use and should not be traded, sold, or given away to anyone that has not achieved a Master Certification level.